Acupuncture & Moxibustion
In Chinese medicine, we have an energy flow circulating throughout our body along specific channels to maintain our health. Acupuncture points are located on these channels. When the flow of energy in the channels is smooth, we have good health. When the flow is disrupted, our health becomes disordered and a disease occurs. By inserting very thin needles, acupuncture stimulates these points of energy flow and thus regulates and balances our energy to foster good health.
Because of the influence of acupuncture on the points on the channels, research shows that acupuncture can help manage pain and many internal diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) named more than fifty conditions that acupuncture has helped: chronic illness, depression, infection, cold/flu, digestive issues, fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, arthritis, sciatica, migraines, etc.
We use very thin disposable needles. Consequently, with the insertion of the needle, you will feel little or no sensation. When the needle makes contact with your energy flow at the points along the channels, you may feel a tingling sensation. We also use 'teishin,' a small stick made of silver, gold, titanium or other precious metals, as a part of acupuncture treatment. There is no puncturing of the skin with 'teishin,' and it gives an effect to the body the same as regular needles.
Moxibustion involves an herb called mugwort leaves. In a composition much like incense, the moxibustion is burned in a couple of different ways just above the patient's skin to warm specific points or areas on the channels on the body. This deep, soothing heat alleviates pain, corrects energy flow and quickens the healing process. Its aromatic quality combines with the heat to bring you a relaxing and analgesic effect.
Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment length and frequency are carefully determined to give individual patients the best relief from their presenting conditions. These treatments are usually given weekly throughout the prescribed course of treatment.
Note: We are currently not accepting acupuncture and moxibustion patients.