Herbal therapy is integral in many treatment protocols in acupuncture and moxibustion. Herbal prescriptions are individually customized to each patient and presenting condition. This herbal medicine usually has no side effects and most herbs have a very low toxicity contrasted to common over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs.
We prescribe powdered herbal extracts and patent herbal pills which are easy for you to carry and take as instructed.
Note: We are currently not accepting herbal medicine patients.
Herbal therapy is integral in many treatment protocols in acupuncture and moxibustion. Herbal prescriptions are individually customized to each patient and presenting condition. This herbal medicine usually has no side effects and most herbs have a very low toxicity contrasted to common over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs.
We prescribe powdered herbal extracts and patent herbal pills which are easy for you to carry and take as instructed.
Note: We are currently not accepting herbal medicine patients.