Facial Rejuvenation
Facial rejuvenation in Chinese medicine mainly involves acupuncture, cupping and 'gua sha' which is a massage with small hand-held jade tools done by certified facial rejuvenation acupuncturists. These techniques are achieving noticeable results.
In facial acupuncture, hair-thin needles are placed which are almost imperceptible. Acupuncture points stimulate facial muscles to actually lift themselves, while improving circulation, building collagen, and stimulating flow of blood and lymph. Facial cupping therapy is done with small facial cups with a light vacuum suction. These cups are placed for a few seconds over wrinkles to increase blood flow. The cups are moved along the face lines down the neck to drain lymphatic fluid. Conditions such as TMJ and sinus pressure issues can be relieved as well. Facial 'gua sha' is a massage with crafted hand-held pieces of smooth jade. This especially addresses the areas such as neck and jaw, which gradually sag over time. Acupuncture points on the face are massaged or pressed with 'gua sha' tools, benefiting most of the internal organ functions including liver, kidney and stomach.
There are more than 40 muscles on our face. Facial rejuvenation works on these muscles to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, eliminate double chins, lift sagging face muscles, and rejuvenate dull aging skin. It is a treatment focusing on our face and neck, but it will impact our whole body to bring our overall health to a better state.
Video: what is facial rejuvenation?